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Wildwind Speed Weeks with Joyrider TV, July 15th and August 26th

Calling all speed freaks and adrenaline junkies out there: this has your name on it. Or, rather, the Speed Week’s leaderboard may have by July 22nd or September 2nd!

High wind, flat water

To celebrate Beach Manager Joe’s Joyrider TV hitting over 7.5 million views (yes you read that right) on what has become the world’s most popular beach catamaran sailing channel on Youtube, Wildwind is putting on two weeks dedicated to really getting the most out of the unique high wind and flat water conditions here in Vassiliki Bay.

Is this really a sailing holiday company positively encouraging you to take their boats out in high wind and push them to the limit? In a word: ‘yes’.

Does sailing at over 20 knots tempt your inner Rocket Man? Were you born to be wild and looking for adventure?

GPS watch measurement

The big difference for the Speed Weeks to the speed stick trials we've occasionally run in the past is that each entrant will be issued with an identical GPS watch to measure speed. This one design consistency will deliver both accuracy and impartiality. Each competitor will be allocated a minimum one hour slot each afternoon to give them the best chance of hitting their maximum velocity. The best top speeds will be recorded on the daily scoreboard and prizes given in the following categories at the final prize giving dinner in Vassiliki:

  • Overall
  • Fastest cat that’s not a Hobie 16
  • Youth catamaran (under 16)
  • Fastest Dinghy
  • Fastest Laser
  • Fastest Zest (under 16)
  • Fastest Zest (under 12)

This is open to all Wildwind clients and anyone else able to bring their own boat to the event. No racing experience needed - you just need to know how to sail fast in a straight line.

Can you beat 25.66 knots?

Let’s find out how fast you really sail! We’re looking to beat the Wildwind records to date:

25.66 knots - Hobie 16
23.80 knots - Hobie Tiger
23.56 knots - C2
23.50 knots - Tornado
18.00 knots Rob Spencer - Laser Standard
20.23 knots Marko Reynolds - Foiling Laser

The schedule

safety briefing, get used to the conditions and settle in

Morning: competition briefing, try out GPS in morning light winds
Afternoon: one hour slots for time trials

Afternoon: half hour slots for time trials

Afternoon: ‘Round the Rock race’ at the outer limits of the bay, followed by one hour slots for time trials

Morning: Regular Race Day followed by one hour slots for time trials

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