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We are ready for you!! Meet the Team

Meet some of the new team: Nick, Guy, Ollie, Tom Grout, Joe, Mattia, Rick & Eve.  (loads to follow of course)

The Wildwind Team have spent the winter ensuring that the whole ever expanding fleet of Wildwind boats are ready for action. The first of our 30 strong team of instructors are now out in Vassiliki and having made the final preparations we are now ready for you! We have a very few places still left for the Whitsun half term week of 26th May so if you are keen please get on the phone!

Meet a few of our 2019 team that are waiting to share their knowledge with you…

Joe Bennett - Many of you will have met Joe Bennett who has been Wildwind’s beach manager for 24 years. Here is a bit more info about Joe:

Name Joe
Season 24
Role Beach Manager
Home Club Felixstowe Ferry UK
Started sailing Late 80's with Mirror, Wayfarer and Albacore dinghies. Crewing on Dart 18s
Favoured Boats - and experience with that boat Tornado-World Championships 10th
Hobie Tiger- world championship 10th Coaches race weeks in May
Hobie 16 - Daily speed runs and tutorial videos on Joyrider TV
Specialist subject The Hobie rudder system
Off season Mostly mountain biking
University Southampton Institute - studied
Studying/studied Water-based leisure management.

Josh Belben - Josh will be joining us for his second season, we are also proud to be sponsoring Josh as he campaigns his Musto Skiff ready for the Worlds this year.  Here is a bit more information about Josh:

Name Josh Belben
Season 2
Role Advanced monohull instructor
Home Club Stokes Bay, UK
Started sailing 2000 - Optimist
Favoured Boats - and experience with that boat 29er - Youth national champion 2013
Musto Skiff - National champion 2016
RS 800 - Nationals 2017 -4th
Green Day! Skiff boat handling
Specialist subject Hobie 16 pitchpoles
Off season Windsurfing, mountain biking and guitar
University University of the West of England (UWE)
Studying/studied Product design (3rd year)

Guy Rivington - And finally, we have Guy who is joining us for his first season and brings with him a wealth of experience. Here is a bit more information about Guy:

Name Guy Rivington
Season 1
Role Sailing Instructor
Home Club Tudor Sailing Club - Langstone Harbour
Started sailing 4 years old in Optimists, moved on to the RS Tera and started racing.
Favoured Boats - and experience with that boat RS Feva -National squad for two years.
Current 29er and Laser Sailor.
Won a few events on the GP circuit. 3rd 2012 nationals, Top 20 in world championships 2012 & 2013
Specialist subject Boat/rig setups and race starts
Off season Snowboarding & chalet chef
University University of the West of England
Studying/studied Biology

If you have been to Vassiliki you will know that amongst the sailing community it is the ultimate place to come and work.  Vassiliki has it all; great atmosphere, loads of like-minded people, plenty of the best sailing kit available and of course - the famous cross shore wind!  All this means we are never short of applicants for instructing team.  Every year we are very fortunate to be approached by some excellent instructors that are skilled not only in teaching but also many of them are keen racers that bring with them a wealth of tactical knowledge to share with the Wildwind clients.  We are also offering a choice of 18 RYA courses for all levels from complete beginners and juniors to expert race tuition and foiling and the best part is that these courses are all included in the price of your holiday.

We look forward to seeing you in Vassiliki soon.

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