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Our Amazing Fleet - just keeps growing...

Wildwind boasts the widest range of dinghies and catamarans at any sailing centre in the world, and this year our fleet will consist of over 75 boats in 25 different makes and models.

We are looking forward to the arrival of lots of shiny new boats to augment our Youth Fleet: with seven RS Zests fresh for this season and we have also added two full spec. Racing Optimists, as well as a brand new Ovington 29er XX.

2 x Tornado - Former Olympic 20ft catamaran.
4 x Hobie Tiger - Advanced ISAF internationally recognised F18 catamaran.
3 x Hobie Pacific - 18ft beach cat, ideal for cruising or stepping stone to the Tiger.
2 x Hobie FX One - High-performance 17-foot single-hander racing catamaran.
6 x Hobie 16 LE Race - Classic twin-trapeze beach cat that you can take out in just about any wind.
3 x Hobie 15 Turbo - Great cat for learning, there is lots of volume in the hulls, which makes for a forgiving ride that doesn't punish you if you make a mistake!
1 x Hobie 14 LE Turbo - The original Hobie: don't be fooled by its simple looks, the 14 is a handful!
2 x Hobie Dragoon - 13-foot friendly single-hander suitable for kids and offers a great introduction to cat sailing.

2 x 29er - The youth version of the 49er.
1 x 49er - Very advanced Olympic class racing skiff, experience needed even as a crew!
1 x RS 100 - Stunning single-hander with a gennaker.
3 x RS 200 - One of the most successful double-handed race classes of the modern era.
3 x RS 500 - Advanced single trapeze dinghy.
1 x RS 800 - Advanced twin trapeze skiff.
2 x RS Aero - Fast single-hander - also with foiling kit.
1 x Laser 4000 - Very popular single trapeze monohull.
3 x Laser 2000 - Stable and fun teaching dinghy, a great introduction to spinnaker handling.
15 x Laser 1 - BRAND NEW- The classic Olympic single-hander dinghy, available with standard, radial or 4.7 rig.
2 x Laser / Aero Foilers – Allows you to fly rather than sail!
1 x RS Feva - The world’s bestselling two-person sailboat in recent years
5 x RS Quba – A versatile 1 or 2-man dinghy, suitable for kids or the whole family
7 x RS Zest - NEW in RS 's range updating the RS Quba
2 x RS Tera - The next step up from the Optimist, perfect for 1 or 2 kids
2 x Optimists NEW in our fleet - the no.1 racing boat for kids.

"Wildwind is definitely the coolest sailing centre in the world because of the variety of dinghies and cats." Alan McIntosh Owner of a sailing school in New Zealand

"Wildwind offers the best range of boats and instructors possible. Their fleet caters for every level of sailor, from beginner to Olympian." Richard T, Marketing Hampshire

"“Great selection of boats, great staff, fantastic vibe, fantastic wind in the afternoon and you've got Tigers. What could be better?" Andrew Repton, Engineer, London

"I think it's phenomenal. There are so many boats here, all different types. You can almost always find something you like to sail or something new." Joe Cross Engineer London

We look forward to seeing you in Vassiliki soon, where you can try out any or all of our fleet of boats either with an instructor or without, it is up to you!

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