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Inspirational Tips from a South African Hobie 16 World Champion in Vass

Champion in Vass

Preparing for the World Championships

Meet William and Lucinda

With the Hobie 16 World Championships in Spain kicking off in a week or so, former Hobie 16 World champions William and Lucinda Edwards were guests of Wildwind in Vassiliki. They made optimal use of Vassiliki’s typically strong winds to do a little pre-regatta training.

William kindly offered up his valuable insights into how to tune a Hobie 16 for world-class performance. You can see the whole 25-minute lecture here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DMfOHqy_EU on Wildwind maestro Joe Bennett’s excellent YouTube channel Joyrider TV.

Wildwind delegation to the World Championships

Not just William and Lucinda will be competing but also Wildwind-founder Simon Morgan, who will be racing in the Great Grand Masters class with former Wildwind staff member and 420 British Womens’ champion Bryony Spiezia. Simon and Bryony recently picked up first place at the Carey Olsen training regatta in Jersey, so they are in good form and are really looking forward to the regatta.

The *very* last places for the 2022 season

The Wildwind season in Greece finishes on October 9th and we have a very few places left, only on that week and in the week of September 25th. If you are keen for a late get away, get in touch quickly.  Our fabulous Mauritius sailing centre, of course, is open year round.

Have you voted yet?

As you probably know, Wildwind has been nominated again in the British Travel Awards (BTAs). In 2019, we came away with first place as the best small sports and activity holiday company. We would REALLY like to win again and we need your help to do so!

If you haven’t yet voted, please go to wildwind.co.uk/vote. If you vote, you’ll automatically be entered into the BTA raffle and are eligible to win one of many great travel prizes, including a Wildwind or Wildwind Adventures holiday for two! You don’t have to be in the UK to vote: simply uncheck the box that says ‘I have a UK postcode’ and enter your address and country.


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