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Hobie hits Holland

The beautiful sand dunes of Noordwijk, on the Dutch coast, will be host to the event which includes the Hobie 14 World Championships, the Hobie 16 European Championships for Youths, the Hobie 16 Spi, Womens, Masters, Grand Masters and Great Grand Masters classes as well as the Open Hobie 16, Hobie Tiger, Wildcat and Dragoon World Championships. That’s a lot of sailing!

Our good friends at VR Sport will be filming and live streaming the key races of the main classes. We highly recommend you check out the videos on their awesome website vrsport.tv and follow their and our Facebook page for live streaming video updates throughout the week.

Perhaps you have the chance to come to Noordwijk and experience the Multiworlds & Europeans yourself. To get a feel of the event, watch any of the videos you see below, or visit the website at www.hobie2017noordwijk.com

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